LOVE. small word. small world.

Just a quick note to say THANK YOU to everyone for your emails, phone calls, text messages, phone calls and comments on this blog.  Please know that simply because I haven't had time to respond to them does not mean that they don't mean the world, especially to Shannon.  I read her your text messages and emails and it really lifts her spirits! 

This morning I got an email from a friend who is traveling in Peru.  She has only met Shannon one, maybe two times, but through the magic of facebook, heard about Shannon's story and found her way to this blog.

She told me about a group meditation for Shannon that she took part in yesterday.  Rather than re-tell HER story, you can read about it here:

Shannon has improved so much in the past few days that I actually wish I had been taking videos and photos of her so that we could have a record of how far she has come.  To say that it is incredible and inspiring seems like such an understatement.  She is like a new improved version of her self every single day!  She is starting to remember things and her speech and vocabulary improves even as I sit with her.

In my opinion, this is part strength and determination and part miracle.  The strength and determination comes from Shannon herself, the miracle comes from all of those who have been praying for her, thinking of her, sending positive energy (insert your 'term' of choice here) and LOVING her.  Even strangers, from as far away as Peru!


  1. Way to go Shannon!!!! Keep it up! You are doing WONDERFUL!!!!!!


  2. JC and I send our very best to the both of you. Nice to hear that Shannon is doing so wonderfully, though not surprising in the least. She has always struck me as one of the most resilient people I have ever met! Thank you Leisa for all you efforts to keep everyone in the loop!
